Malaysia halal showcase enters 16th edition next year

Dr Mohd Shahreen says Mihas should not be looked at purely as an event, but rather, a showcase of Malaysia at large. 

Dr Mohd Shahreen says Mihas should not be looked at purely as an event, but rather, a showcase of Malaysia at large.

MANY may think that a halal certification is mostly for the food and beverage (F&B) industry, but it is more than just that.

The global halal market is projected to be worth US$3tril (RM12tril) by 2022 and will outpace the world growth by more than 1.6%.

Leveraging on this figure, Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (Matrade) will be organising the 16th Malaysia International Halal Showcase (Mihas) from April 3 to 6, 2019 at Malaysia International Trade and Exhibition Centre (Mitec), Kuala Lumpur.

Dubbed the world’s largest halal trade fair, Mihas serves as a platform for local small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to showcase their halal brands to the global business audience.

“From my perspective, Mihas should not be looked at purely as an event, but rather, a showcase of Malaysia at large,” said Matrade chief executive officer Dr Mohd Shahreen Zainooreen Madros.

“It is also a signature halal industry programme and Malaysia being a progressive Muslim nation, has a lot to offer,” he said during the Mihas Business Association Hi-Tea.

A pioneer in the halal industry, Shahreen added that Malaysia has the capacity and competitive advantage in the field.

“We spearheaded halal industry for so long, and we have developed a mature ecosystem; much of it was on F&B.

“Moving forward, we cannot look at Mihas and halal industry limited to only F&B; the halal Muslim lifestyle is a much wider concept which includes finance, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, tourism and more,” he said.

Interestingly, Shahreen noted that the biggest buyers of halal products are not necessarily from Muslim countries.

“China is surprisingly a big taker on halal products, this is because the halal certification is no longer seen in a religious context but seen as quality marker,” he added.

Shahreen said products carrying the halal certification by the Islamic Development Department (Jakim) are well-regarded, and this helps to strengthen Malaysia’s branding overseas.

For Mihas 2018, Mihas has proven to be successful by generating over RM1.52bil in sales – an increase of 50.49% from Mihas 2017.

“Mihas provides a conducive platform for Malaysian companies to discover global opportunities at the comfort of their own home country while at the same time, learn about the industry from their international peers.”

In addition to trade shows, there will be other programmes and events held concurrently with the exhibition, including Matrade Trade Talk, Halal Trade Finance Conference and MyPitch@Mihas among others.

Mihas 2018 has attracted over 778 exhibitors from 32 countries and 21,000 visitors worldwide.

To be part of Mihas 2019, visit