Halal – An Engine of Growth & Opportunity

Brunei IHMC 209 Lines Up Halal Industry Experts

The 4th Brunei International Halal Market Conference is being held on 1-2 August 2009 at the International Convention Centre.

The IHMC has earned a reputation as one of the top Halal sector conferences in the world, and the programme for 2009 boasts an impressive line-up of Halal industry specialists.

The theme for this years event is “Halal – An Engine of Growth and Opportunity” and the conference will focus on some of the ways in which Halal has a key role to play in these times of economic turbulence.

“Our intention for this years IHMC is really two-fold,” commented Abdalhamid Evans, Director of Imarat Consultants, the event organisers again for 2009. “We wanted to ensure that the content is relevant from an international perspective, to maintain the high standards of previous years. So we have an outstanding group of speakers, dealing with some cutting edge developments in the Halal industry globally.

“At the same time, we want this year’s event to showcase some of Brunei’s impressive achievements in the Halal sector. There have been some major developments in the role that Brunei plays in the Halal market, both regionally and globally, and these will be showcased at both the International Halal Product Expo from 30 July, and also at the IHMC. Brunei’s Halal sector is really on the move, and this also represents a lot of new business opportunities, so it is really worth attending these events.”

The keynote address will be given by Yang Teramat Mulia Paduka Seri Pengiran Anak Puteri Hajah Masna binti Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ’Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, D.K.M.B., D.K., P.H.B.S., Ambassador At-Large, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Local speakers include

•    Hajah Normah Jamil, Director of Agriculture, Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources, and

•    Ms. Zubaidah binti Haji Mahmud, Senior Scientific Officer, Department of Pharmaceutical Services, Ministry of Health.

International speakers in this year’s programme include

•    Mr James Jessamine, Master Planner, SQW Consultants, United Kingdom

•    Tan Sri Dato’ Muhammad Ali Hashim, Chairman KFC Holdings (Malaysia) Berhad, Malaysia

•    Abdalhamid Evans, Senior Analyst, Imarat Consultants

•    Dr Paul Temporal, Visiting Fellow, Said Business School, Oxford University, UK

•    Ms. Selma Djukic, President, White Owl Global Services Ltd, Canada

•    Mr. Darhim Hashim, CEO of International Halal Integrity Alliance,

•    Professor Eiichi Tamiya, Department of Applied Physics, Osaka University, Japan

•    Tina Jamaluddin, General Manager Corporate Marketing, Prima Agri Products Sdn Bhd

•    Sandy Bucao, Country Manager, Intertek Labtest, Philippines

There will also be an open panel session allowing full participation from the audience and to engage in discussion with the panellists.

All in all, the IHMC 2009 is going to be a must-see event for anyone interested in the Halal industry

Full details of the programme can be obtained from www.bruneihalalexpo.com and www.halalfocus.com

For further enquiries, please contact the IHMC secretariat on +673 2333964, or email ihmc_2009@yahoo.com