One of Indonesian consumers’ main intentions concerning on food product is its halal certification. It is a mandatory for every Moslem to have halal condition for their daily meal consumption. Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) is the one which legally issues the halal certification. It is an organization of Muslim scholars having the duty and function of Muslims’ empowerment. MUI is an organization that exists in the Indonesian community, and not an institution representing the state or country.
Researches and developments on halal food products conducted by universities in Indonesia are expected to improve quality of halal certification. University of Muhammadiyah Purwokerto (UMP) has its responsibility to contribute on the issue. It concerns on how to provide an alternative procedure (legal institution) to issue the legal certification on halal food product, or at least to ease and to simplify the procedure provided by the institution (MUI) having the authority issuing the certification. UMP concerns also on the researches and developments.
International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM) through its International Institute of Halal Research and Training (INHART) is going to implement cooperation with UMP. It is the follow up of Memorandum of Agreement signed by both institutions. The implemented activity will be in a form of Joint Seminar. It is planned to be conducted on Thursday, September 17th, 2015. The venue will be at the Central Office of UMP at 07.30 am – 12.00. It is free of charge and the participants will get the certificate of participation, besides the essential information on the issue. The person in charge (PIC) who is responsible for the participants’ registration is Bustanuddin As Suaidy (HP. 085647904915). The committee provides the invitations for public (20 seats only) by confirming it to the PIC.
The Joint Seminar aims to give people the important information in understanding halal concept. It is also intentionally to develop a community with halal consciousness. The community includes lecturers/academicians and students who are willing to hold researches and development of halal information centerfor public.
The main keynote speaker will be Prof. Dr. Irwandi Jaswir Director of International Institute for Halal Research and Training (INHART) IIUM Malaysia. He is a well-known professor in Food Chemistry and Biochemistry, and is an expert in the analysis of non-halal substances in food items. The other keynote speaker is Dr. Nunuk Aries Nurulita, M.Si.,Apt. She is the dean of Pharmacy Faculty, University of Muhammadiyah Purwokerto. (Suaidy-KUI)