Indonesia Should Set Standard for Global Modest Fashion, Foreign Ministry Official Says


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Indonesia should take the initiative to set the standard for modest fashion in its bid to become the center of Muslim fashion and the global halal industry, a Foreign Ministry official said.

According to Tjoki Aprianda Siregar, an official at the ministry’s Center for Policy Strategy Special Issues and Data Analysis, Indonesia should seize the opportunity to standardize modest fashion amid a lack of such standards globally.

“We can set our modest fashion as a benchmark, which means that other countries producing modest fashion products will follow our standard,” Siregar said in a press statement received on Friday, July 19, Antara reported.

He is optimistic that this would make Indonesia a global leader in the halal industry and the Muslim modest fashion market, as the transaction value of modest fashion is expected to reach US$428 billion by 2027.

Meanwhile, Siregar emphasized the need for the government and other stakeholders to optimize market intelligence to study the global market, especially those of the main importers of Indonesia’s modest fashion products.

He also stressed the need for Indonesia to explore new sources of quality cotton at more affordable prices to help the national industry produce modest fashion products more competitively.

He noted that the market potential for modest fashion has expanded beyond Muslim-majority countries, highlighting the growing interest among European customers for less skin-revealing clothing, which could increase demand.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which has representatives in 138 countries, can help map the requirements of the global modest fashion sector for the national industry, the official said.

Meanwhile, Fixy, the assistant for partnership and market expansion at the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), expressed hope that national stakeholders would develop a modest fashion ecosystem to make Indonesia its hub.

To this end, Fixy called for the preparation of a master plan for the development of modest fashion in Indonesia and the regular holding of modest fashion events.

She also emphasized the need for a Presidential Regulation on Indonesian Modest Fashion to provide a legal basis for its development and expansion.