Muslims, like other people with strong beliefs, do not see themselves exclusively focused on or ...
Given they are barred from charging interest and must abide by a strict religious code, ...
Islamic finance officials will gather in Kuala Lumpur next week to debate the industry’s future ...
Over the last few years, there has been encouragement from the UK Government for the ...
Kazakhstani President Nazarbayev showed great interest in promoting Islamic financing in Kazakhstan, “probably because both ...
From humble beginnings in the 1990’s, Islamic finance has become a trillion-dollar industry. The market ...
Young Muslims, one of the newest groups to make inroads in American finance, can face ...
Dr Mohammad Daud Bakr, president and CEO of Amanie Advisors, has the distinction of being ...
There are over 400 sharia scholars worldwide but only around 15 to 20 prominent and ...
Converting a conventional business to a Shariah-compliant entity can increase the value of a company ...
At the international summit on Islamic Microfinance being held in Istanbul, it was said that ...
IdealRatings to provide OSK-UOB Islamic Fund Management with top quality Shariah screening data for their ...
Here are three tips on engaging with this lucrative, untapped and potentially very loyal consumer ...
Haj Saeed Ahmed Lootah, Founder and Chairman of Al Islami and Lootah Group, spearheaded development ...
President of the Abu Dhabi Business Women Council and chief operating officer of Al Jaber ...
“There is a disconnect between the halal industry and Islamic financing, which is ironic since ...
Malaysia has raised the profile of Islamic finance, takaful and the halal industry, and, now, ...
Demand for Islamic funds has risen in the past three to six months as the ...
The $1 trillion (AED3.68 trillion) global Islamic finance industry is in the process of developing ...
It has been widely recognized by mainstream private companies in Britain that the needs of ...