(Bernama) — The Brunei Darussalam-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East
Asean Growth Area’s (BIMP-EAGA) 18th Senior Officials and 14th
Ministerial Meeting (SOM/MM) will be held from Aug 5-8.
According to a statement by the Mindanao Economic Development
Council (MEDCo), this year’s SOM/MM, which would be hosted by Brunei,
would feature a series of high-level meetings.
MEDCo said the Philippine delegates had agreed to discuss the
status and issues on the implementation of the fisheries consortium,
the halal poultry project and the community-based eco-tourism projects.
Other topics included transport initiatives such as the expansion
of roll on/roll off facilities in BIMP-EAGA and the proposed
Davao-Brunei route of the Pacific Pearl Airways.
It said in recognition of the local government’s role in
BIMP-EAGA, this year’s SOM would include leaders of local government
units (LGUs) in the meetings in lieu of a separate LGU forum.
Other events included SOM with Development Partners (Aug 6), the
BIMP-EAGA Trade Expo (Aug 4-9) and the BIMP-EAGA Business Conference
(Aug 6-7)