Sirajuddin said negotiations on the agreement had been ongoing for three years and was about ...
Investment, trade, infrastructure, livelihood and tourist attraction in the Volga region together with the International ...
The workshop will analyze the opportunities for halal tourism in Turkey, as well as the ...
Initially, the line will have four of America’s favorite dishes: Macaroni and Cheese, Beef Biryani, ...
The expo hosted 95 halal-certified small- and medium-size enterprises from Malaysia, Japan, Indonesia and China ...
In recent years we have been able to observe a phenomenal growth in some economical ...
The first Muslim-majority nation is Malaysia ranking at 33, while the only other state in ...
What are the implications of the upcoming halal law on the country’s political economy and ...
Woolworths director of buying Peter McNamara said the company made the move because of the ...
Halal Expo Canada (HEC) and Malaysia International Halal Showcase (MIHAS) organizers announce the formation of ...
The Turkey-based company will use the funds to drive its global expansion with plans to ...
BVA would like to see all animals stunned before slaughter and this call has received ...
Algebra Consulting is organising a prestigious Islamic Economy Networking Event to take Place at The ...
At issue is whether to allow religious exemptions to European Union rules that state animals ...
The JPH Law stipulates that the issuance of halal certification involves BPJPH as a regulator ...
Now might be the perfect time to learn what halal and kosher food practices actually ...
Interview on bilateral trade between Indonesia and India in the food and beverage sector and ...
While we swoon over luxury fashion labels and their efforts in the modest fashion industry, ...
An overview on Halal standards, certification and accreditation since 2010. 2019 will be seeing the ...
A Strong influx of Muslim travellers is fuelling a boom in halal restaurants and syariah-compliant ...