France guarantees the principle of freedom to perform religious rites during slaughter

Paris, March 24, 2021

In order to respect the principle of freedom of manifestation of one’s religion, in particular the performance of religious rites, enacted by the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, the European regulation on the protection of animals at the time of their killing ( European regulation n ° 1099/2009 of September 24, 2009) leaves the possibility for Member States to waive the obligation of prior stunning of animals in the event of ritual slaughter.

France authorizes this derogation and its position remains unchanged.

This derogation is translated into national law in France by article R. 214-70 of the rural and maritime fishing code which since 2011 and the 2011-2006 decree of 28 December 2011 imposes on slaughterers who wish to implement these derogations a prior prefectural authorization.

Several modalities of derogations are thus permitted by European and French regulations.

With this regulation and this derogatory system, France therefore guarantees certification bodies the possibility of meeting religious requirements.

The technical instruction from the Directorate General for Food in November 2020 clarified the control methods applicable to all types of poultry slaughter (conventional and ritual) and to all stunning methods, without modifying the principles. regulations, which have not changed. This technical instruction therefore in no way called into question the possibility of practicing ritual slaughter for structures that complied with the already existing rules.

As has been happening for several years, slaughter operators who wish to waive the obligations of prior stunning of animals must apply to the competent Prefect for authorization to implement the exemptions.

For more information about this by AFP Fact Check please go to:

France did not ban Halal slaughter of poultry