Let Halal & Healthy Products Fair be your crossing point to new prospects and possibilities that will inspire you to discover the hidden world of Halal market.
The 3rd Halal and Healthy Products Fair will take place in CNR Expo Istanbul between the 11-14 October 2012. The big encounter of the industry with 20 thousand people which are purchasers of the retail, distributor and service industry from more than 30 countries from Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, the Far East and USA will meet local and global suppliers. The fair will keep the pulse of the market worth 2 trillion USD in Istanbul.
The Halal and Healthy Products Fair organized by the Sine Trade Fairs Inc. and the CNR Expo Trade Fair Inc.. The fair is supported by the GIMDES (Association for the Inspection and Certification of Food & Supplies) which is the member of World Halal Council and the only authorized association in the country for granting the “Halal Certificate” to the qualified companies.
The fair will bring the manufacturers with “Halal Certificate” and local and international professionals together. Also, it provides an international platform to forge business relations and secure business deals for the halal industry leaders.
The Halal & Healthy Products Fair will take place simultaneously with the 14th International MUSIAD Fair and the 16th International Business Forum which will be inaugurated by H.E. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdo?an, and Turkey will welcome WHC (World Halal Council) members from 40 different countries and provide an international platform to forge business relations and secure business deals for the Halal industry leaders.
Büyüközer has been appointed as the President of the World Halal Council (WHC)
With Büyüközer’s presidency of the World Halal Council (WHC) which has 57 member states, the international promotion of the 3rd Halal and Healthy Products Fair gained significant trade impetus.
The G?MDES President Dr. Hüseyin Kâmi Büyüközer was appointed unanimously as the Council’s President in the 10th WHC Congress last year organized in Istanbul simultaneously with the fair.
Purchasers from all over the world
The countries of the Halal and Healthy Products Fair are Iraq, Iran, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Syria, India, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Yemen, the United Arab Emirates, the Netherlands, Finland, Canada, Philippines, Brazil, Belgium, the UK and France.
Leaders of the industry are in this fair…
Erpiliç, Lezita, Beyza Piliç Tat?en, ?ifa Yemek, Nafia G?da, Nurçay, Eri? Yumurta, Akdeniz Tar?m, AVS Tar?m, Helal Kozmetik, Helal Dünya Marketleri, and 7K Da??t?m, Kandazlar, Ege Technology Chemistry are some of the local exhibitors in the Halal and Healthy Products Fair. There is ongoing work to confirm the participation of companies from Indonesia, Germany, the USA, South Korea, Japan and the Netherlands. CNR officials have stated that more than 60 companies from abroad will exhibit their products.