Editorial articles written by guest writers
The priority now is to focus on the UAE, where each emirate has a ...
It seems the criticism labelled against Islamic finance products, form over substance, also has application ...
It is worth emphasising that many Muslims actually see no contradiction between religious values and ...
Leicester, one of the most rapidly Islamizing cities in England, has elected its first-ever Muslim ...
Why is it that, time and time again, the Halal market place is full of ...
Islamic finance and halal industry are twins separated at birth. The Halal industry, as an ...
New Halal Legislation is being planned for implementation in the UK by January 2013 and ...
Muslims, like other people with strong beliefs, do not see themselves exclusively focused on or ...
With the threat from terrorism receding, Britain’s Islam-baiters have jumped on the anti-halal bandwagon, and ...
Given they are barred from charging interest and must abide by a strict religious code, ...
It's 2012. We're bored to death with debates about the hijab. Why women wear it. ...
From humble beginnings in the 1990’s, Islamic finance has become a trillion-dollar industry. The market ...
The Arab world today is home to more than 100 million young people between 15 ...
The Hong Kong Tourism Board reports that in recent years, the number of Middle Eastern ...
Even as Iran’s nuclear program raises the likelihood of yet another conflict in the Middle ...
Pakistan’s private sector and commerce ministry have miserably failed to capture even a small share ...
Despite an immense diversity of cultures, governments, and economies, Islam binds Muslims together in their ...
But it’s a market strewn with confusion, as separate Muslim countries try to establish recognised ...
Priming it is a rush by China, India, South Korea and Gulf petro-economies to snap ...
Most Islamic countries are being left behind in social progress as compared with other nations. ...