Not in North America apparently.
In the company’s first comment about the controversy on the topic in Egypt on the 13 February 2022, they told the Egyptian website “Cairo 24”: “Halal certification of the product is approved, according to the country in which it is made.”
They then went on to point out that there are “two countries where Oreo is not subject to halal standards.”
The company noted that: “Oreos are not halal-certified in the USA and Canada…so we recommend users always check the ingredients and label, to ensure they are suitable for your diet.”
But in other countries where they are made that require halal certification they will be Halal, like Egypt for instance.
When asked about Oreos containing alcohol the company explained that they do contain alcohol, but in a small percentage.
They went on to say that when alcohol is used in their products in a large amount, the line of ingredients will be marked.
However, when using vanilla extract they put in the profiles the presence of vanilla in the product, but due to the presence of alcohol in a minute amount, it will not be written.
It is important to note that almost all alcohol from the extract, evaporates during the baking process.
This article was first reported in The Times Hub.