Turkey: 1st SMIIC BOD/SC Strategy Working Group Meeting

The First SMIIC Board of Directors Strategy Committee – Strategy Working Group(SWG) Meeting was held on the 13-16 January 2020, in Istanbul, Republic of Turkey at the SMIIC Headquarters.

The meeting was attended by all members: Dr. Sharif M. Sharif Fadul-SSMO, Mr. Nawaf Almugbel-SASO, Dr. Mohammed H. Shojaee Aliabadi-ISIRI, Dr. Riadh Soussi-INNORPI, Mr. Ali Bux-PSQCA, Mr. ?hsan Övüt and Ms. Emel Gönç, SMIIC General Secretariat.

The SWG Members worked on development of the revision of the SMIIC Strategic Plan for the 2021-2030 period

After intense work of 3 days by the SWG Members the Mission, Vision, Strategic Objectives and their Key Performance indicators were redefined based on the comments recieved from SMIIC Member States to the current SMIIC Strategic Plan 2016-2020. The draft document will be sent to all Members for commenting before further evaluation.

The SWG Members will further work within the next two months to collect information regarding the needs of the SMIIC Member States (including: Sudan, Gambia, Senegal, Egypt, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Tunisia, Cameroon, Jordan, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Malaysia and Gabon) in order to determine the initiatives, targets and to plan the associated projects accordingly.