MLE Connect 2016 will take place at the Grand Connaught Rooms in London on April ...
An abattoir whose former owner collapsed into administration following allegations of animal cruelty has been ...
Islamic-oriented and family-friendly entertainment? Nine examples of what you need started to keep up with ...
A number of big Swiss and European firms are already active in this market, such ...
Marks and Spencer has launched a new full-length Islamic range of swimwear, designed to protect ...
Over 3,000 independent Halal butchers' shops have been ignored due to their religious’ beliefs. National ...
At the proposed arbitration hearing, the Tribunal will enable both parties to make representations in ...
A 1% tax on halal meat would amount to €60 million in funding to build ...
An upcoming tribunal to determine the validity of machine slaughter in halal has received mixed ...
MLE Connect 2016 will take place Grand Connaught Rooms in London on April 7, 2016. ...
Mufti Aziz Hasanovic, said the three-day congress would take place in the year marking the ...
In 2015 alone, the UK’s leading supermarkets saw a boost of £100m in sales over ...
[Photo credit: Diajeng Lestari, HijUp] HijUp Unveiled at London Fashion Week By Jonathan ...
The Group’s revenue has increased from MYR1.18 million for the financial year ended 31 December ...
Here's Why Uniqlo Is Poised To Nail The Muslim Fashion Market. ...
The Dutch government said it plans to limit ritual slaughter through new measures, including a ...
Due to the ongoing concern in the UK Muslim community regarding machine slaughter being accepted ...
Several Muslim organisations are bringing legal proceedings against the Flemish Animal Welfare Minister, Ben Weyts. ...
Hungarian poultry processor Gallicoop Pulykafeldolgozó, based in Szarvas, southeastern Hungary, increased its output of halal ...
The HFCE conference will focus on Halal emerging markets and provide a platform for discussion ...