USA: Export Requirements for United Arab Emirates

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Eligible/Ineligible Products

  1. Eligible Products
    1. Fresh/frozen meat and meat products.
      1. Beef and beef products shipped on or after July 17, 2009 must be derived from animals less than 30 months of age produced under an approved AMS Export Verification (EV) program. Information about the EV program for United Arab Emirates and a list of EV approved establishments can be obtained from AMS’ Web site.

        To export beef and beef products to the United Arab Emirates, the applicant must request, from AMS’ ARC Branch, a Statement of Verification (SOV) for each shipment. For more information on obtaining a SOV, access the Export Verification (EV) Programs Additional Requirements page from AMS’ Web site. The unique product identification system can be accessed by authorized FSIS inspection personnel from FSIS’ Intranet site.

        If FSIS inspection personnel become aware of concerns that an AMS approved EV establishment is not properly executing its EV program, export certification should not be issued for the product in question and AMS should be notified at Inspection personnel should include their immediate supervisor on messages to AMS. The following information should be included in the message:

        • Establishment name, address, and establishment number
        • Product type, product code, and quantity of product
        • Date of production, lot number, and shift
        • Date and nature of observation
        • Name of country product is intended for export
        • Export certificate number (if applicable)
        • Any other information to verify claim
        • Name of inspection official

        Samples intended for the annual Gulfood Show are not subject to the EV program. “Samples for display at the Gulfood Show” should be indicated on the product cartons and in the Remarks section of FSIS 9060-5.

      2. Veal and veal products are not subject to the EV program.
      3. Pork and pork products. Halal certification is not required for pork and pork products. However, general labeling requirements, including production and expiration dates, apply (see Labeling Requirements below).
    2. Fresh/frozen poultry and poultry products.

    Slaughter Requirements

    Ritual: Islamic Halal Slaughter requirements apply.

    Labeling Requirements

    1. All products – Storage temperature must be placed with the refrigeration statement on the label to fully clarify the type of product being handled. (Example: “Keep frozen – store at or below ___ degree C; Keep chilled (or refrigerated) – store between ___ degree C and ____ degree C. ”
    2. Fresh/frozen meat and poultry. In addition to the labeling features mandatory in the United States, precut and packaged meat and poultry must include the following features (in print):
      1. Production (slaughtering or freezing) and expiration dates.
        1. Date format requirements for UAE must conform to the following: Day/Month/Year for products with a shelf life of three (3) months or less and Month/Year for products with a shelf life of more than three (3) months.
        2. The expiration date must be calculated from the date the product was frozen.*
        3. Exception: The UAE permits expiration dates on bagged poultry to be printed on adhesive tape wrapped around metal clip area.
      2. Statement that product has been slaughtered according to Islamic principles. (Note: The UAE does not require reference to Islamic slaughter on consumer packages, but exporters should be aware that such product would have limited distribution.)
      3. Shelf life of Product. Shelf life limits have been determined for chilled vacuum packaged meat, and fresh and chilled other meat/poultry products. Fast spoiling foods with a shelf-life not exceeding 3 months must have complete date stated on the label (day/month/year).*
      4. Country of origin.
      5. Metric net weight labeling is required.
      6. Alcoholic materials and species of animal fats, gelatin, food additives and blood must be declared on label when product contains such materials.
    3. The following methods of labeling are alternatives to meeting the requirements for labeling packaged fresh/frozen meat and poultry:
      1. Arabic sticker may be used but must not obliterate label terminology and be self-destructive on removal. Stick-on labels covering required label features are not permitted.*
      2. Inserts, if used, must be accompanied by production and expiration dates. Inserts must be made of approved materials.
    4. Canned Goods – Expiration and production dates must be preprinted on the labels or on the bottom of the cans.

    Documentation Requirements

    1. Obtain FSIS Form 9060-5. All FSIS Form 9060-5 certificates must be dated and have the signature and title of an FSIS veterinarian.

      For all poultry and poultry products, the following statement must be included in the Remarks section of FSIS 9060-5: “There have been no outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N1 subtype) involving commercial poultry in the zone of origin in the 3 months prior to slaughter.”

    2. Ritual Slaughter – Islamic Slaughter Certification, in addition to FSIS certification, is required. The exporter must obtain a Certificate of Islamic (Halal) Slaughter from a member of an Islamic Center or Islamic organization. A certificate of Islamic Slaughter is a certificate issued by a member of a Moslem organization recognized by the importing country to provide this service; the certificate states that animals were slaughtered according to Moslem religious requirements. The certificate must accompany products labeled “Halal.” The certificate must be endorsed by the United Arab Emirates Embassy or Consulate. The contact information for accredited Islamic Centers and Islamic Organizations is listed below.*
    3. Halal certification will be requird for the following products:*
      1. On fresh/frozen unprocessed product, Halal label claims must be accompanied by an appropriate Halal certificate or a written assurance from the exporter that an appropriate Halal certificate will be supplied to accompany that shipment before it reaches its destination.
      2. On processed products with Halal label claims, raw materials used must be accompanied by an appropriate Halal certificate.
      3. For cooked poultry and cooked poultry products, the export certificate must state that the product has been heated to 72° C.

    Handling/Storage Requirements

    1. The United Arab Emirates requires that instructions for consumers concerning storage, preparation and other special handling requirements accompany all shipments. These instructions should be addressed to the UAE Municipality.

    Other Requirements

    1. Expiration Period
      1. The United Arab Emirates, as per revised and updated Gulf Standard 150/2007 for Shelf Life Standard, recommends 12 months shelf life for frozen meat and poultry.*
      2. Chilled vacuum-packed meat/poultry has an expiration period of 3 months.
      3. The shelf-life (expiration period) for other meat/poultry is defined by the product. Please consult the importer for the recommended shelf life of product ordered.

    Plants Eligible to Export

    All Federally inspected establishments are eligible to export to the UAE. However, beef products must originate from AMS EV approved establishments. If products are to be labeled “HALAL”, the plant must be able to accommodate the Islamic requirements.

    Approved Islamic Halal Certifiers in the U.S.

    The following U.S.-based Islamic organizations have been approved as Halal certifiers for exports of meat and foods containing meat and animal products to the United Arab Emirates. The UAE typically requires foreign certifiers to undergo a visit by UAE authorities and a review of certification procedures and staffing as part of the approval process. All U.S.-based Islamic Halal certifiers listed below are approved by the UAE for nationwide certification.

    1. Halal Transactions of Omaha
      P.O. Box 4546
      Omaha, NE 68104 USA
      Tel: (402) 572-6120
      Cell:  (402) 659 8191
      Fax: (402) 572-4020
      Rep: Dr. Ahmed Al-Absy, President
    2. Islamic Services of America
      P.O. Box 521
      Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 USA
      Tel: (319) 362-0480
      Fax: (319) 366-4369
      Rep: Haj. Riad A. Jammal
    3. International Institute of Islamic Thought
      500 Grove Street, VA 20170 USA
      Tel: (703) 471-1133
      Fax: (703) 471-3922
      Contact: Dr. Jamal Barzinji, Vice President
    4. Islamic Society of the Washington Area
      1712 Eye Street, N.W. # 602
      Washington, D.C. 20006
      Tel: 202/ 457-1910
      Fax: 301/ 384-2975
      E-mail:; icfhc@tmo.blackberry.neta
      Contact: Mr. Habib Ghanim
    5. Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America (IFANCA)
      5901 N. Cicero Ave.,
      Suite 309 Chicago, IL 60646
      HQ: 773-283-3708 (x-224)
      Research Ctr: 847 993 0034 (x-203)
      Fax: +1-773-283-3973
      Contact: Mr. Muhammad Chaudry

    For assistance in locating the nearest UAE Consulate, contact:

    The Embassy of the United Arab Emirates
    1255 22nd Street, N.W., Suite 700
    Washington, D.C. 20037
    Ph: (202) 955-7999
    Fax: (202) 337-7029

    UA-28 (Dec 13, 2011)